If you were in a car wreck, your best option is to pick up the phone and talk to me directly. My cell phone is 502-609-7657. Yes, I personally pick up the phone. Yes, it is with me seven days a week and I will take your call on nights and weekends. That’s a huge part of the Desmond Difference. Being available when my clients, or potential clients, need my help.
Please understand that this phone call is free and if I can’t help you, I am happy to give you the name of other attorneys who I think may be able to. Also, this free is not limited to injury cases but rather if you were in any kind of car wreck, motorcycle accident or even hit as a pedestrian, I am happy to give you some free legal advice as to your best course of action.
Moreover, nowadays, the police usually give you a card with information on how to obtain your police report through the internet. They tend to use the website, buycrash.com. Well, during that initial call with you, I will have you text me a picture of that buycrash card so I can try to get a copy of the accident report, while we are on the phone! So, right off the bat, I can tell whether I think we can prove fault on the other driver and was he insured. Even if a caller does not want to pursue their injury claim, I am happy to forward a copy of this report to them by e-mail and/or through the U.S. Mail. Again, just another small part of the Desmond Difference!
Within this website, I have a lot of information that I hope will provide you with answers to the handling of your car injury claim. However, every car wreck is composed of different facts. With respect, you cannot apply motor vehicle law to the facts of your car accident as well as I can. After all, I my legal experience is over twenty years of handling just car accidents and motorcycle wrecks.
If you want, you can call me at (502) 609-7657. Know that the call is free and there are no upfront charges for my legal services.