Get a Police Report for your Louisville Car Wreck

With the snowy weather and icy conditions, I figured it was time to discuss some general principles in regard to handling car wrecks and personal injury claims. First, as I have preached before, please make sure all your vehicles have at least $100,000 per person of uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage on any automobile insurance […]

Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) Pain

Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), also referred to as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), is a condition that can be characterized by a variety of symptoms including pain, frequently a burning type of pain, tenderness, swelling of the area or extremity, sweating, flushing, warmth and/or coolness of the area, discoloration, and in some cases shiny skin. […]

The Kentucky Uninsured Driver Loophole

There’s a legal requirement, per Kentucky law, that your car must have insurance coverage.  Anyone who has read one of my blogs or has visited my website,, has probably heard me preach about having at least $100,000 per of uninsured motorist coverage on both their automobile insurance and their motorcycle insurance.  Nevertheless, it appears […]

Supreme Court on Motorcycle Insurance

Think you have the right motorcycle insurance coverage? According to the Kentucky State Police in 2016, they were 1,841 wrecks involving motorcycles.  While this is only a small percentage of the total number of car wrecks in Kentucky in 2016.  I try to give a lot of legal advice about motorcycle accidents as they tend […]

Filing a Lawsuit Against an Uninsured Driver

I filed a lawsuit against what appears to be an uninsured driver this weekend.  The Jefferson County Clerk has set it up so I can file a Complaint, the document that starts a lawsuit electronically from my computer.  However, the filing fee for a lawsuit tends to cost me about $198 for each lawsuit filed […]

Seat Belt Safety Laws

One of the leading causes of death among those between the ages of 1 and 54 in the United States is motor vehicle crashes, and one of the most effective ways to reduce injuries and save lives is the use of a seat belt. All 50 states have some form of seat belt law, be […]

Louisville Motorcycle Accident Injuries

It can be a dangerous world on two wheels! Motorcycle accident injuries exhibit interesting patterns.  The Center for Disease Control (CDC) studies over 1.2 million people who were treated in emergency rooms across the United States for non-fatal motorcycle related injuries and this is what they found.  Injuries to the legs and feet account for […]

Rib Fractures and Car Wrecks

The most common injury sustained from blunt trauma to the chest is rib fractures and account for more than half of all thoracic injuries from non-penetrating trauma.  Whereas in the elderly the most common cause of rib fractures is a fall and in youth the most common cause is recreational or athletic activities, in adults, […]

PTSD After a Serious Car Wreck

What is Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)? After someone goes through a traumatic event or life threatening situation it is not uncommon for that person to experience anxiety, flashbacks of the event, nightmares, increased jumpiness, etc.  This has often been associated with war veterans or persons who have been physically or sexually assaulted, however, it’s also […]

Types of Sprains and Strains

Have you been in an car accident?  Are you experiencing neck or back pain?  Maybe you’ve been diagnosed with a cervical, thoracic or lumbar strain/sprain.  What is the difference between the types of sprains and strains? A sprain is a stretching or tearing of the ligaments in the area. Ligaments are the tough bands of […]

Common Automobile Accident Injuries

Injuries sustained in an automobile accident depend on direction of travel, speed of travel, and collisions.  Generally, if a vehicle is hit from behind the chances of severe damage or injury is less likely, however, a client of mine was recently hit so hard from behind her car was written off as a total loss, she […]

Symptoms of a Herniated Disc – Part 2

Let’s take a closer look at possible symptoms of a herniated disc. In some cases a herniated disc will cause no symptoms and in other cases the condition can create localized pain if the tear affects the small nerves located in the uppermost layers of the outer wall of the affected disc. Additional symptoms can […]